Thursday, March 4, 2010

28 Day Challenge Continued

The last few days have gone very well. Not having any problem staying the same as week 3. The past few days have been crazy. Tuesday I had a smoothie for breakfast and I can't remember what I had for lunch. I went out with my girl friends for Debbie's Birthday on Tuesday night and had fish, baked potato and a salad. No dessert was no problem! Yesterday I had oatmeal for breakfast with strawberries, blueberries and bananas. Just got an e-mail from Real Age saying that blueberries are better for you on oatmeal than in cold cereal. Can't remember lunch (and it is not because I ate something I shouldn't have - think it was salad both days). Dinner last night was at PF Changs. It was the first anniversary of my father-in-laws death, so we met Mildred (Dean's mom) and some friends from Canada for dinner. Shrimp, scallops and brown rice. This morning for breakfast I had fiber one cereal with red, white and blue. Lunch was a benefit luncheon for PACE for Girls. Asked for a vegetarian meal, but did not receive it until half way through the lunch. I had eaten chicken and rice soup and a small amount of potato salad. Then they brought the salad. For dinner tonight I am making 3 bean chili. Still feeling good, think I might have lost one more pound, and I am noticing that I am missing a good part of my muffin top! Excited about that! Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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