Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Days 37-38-Mary

Hello All, Good news! I went to Curves last night and had my weigh-in and measuring. I've lost 8 lbs. and 12 inches since starting a month ago. Yeah! I'm real excited. We went to Yen Yen's (Chinese) afterward to celebrate. Had a delicious meal. Sheila has lost 6 lbs. and a few inches, but she didn't have very many areas to lose in... which she doesn't understand... or like. I told her when every area of my body is fat, I should be losing inches everywhere. She has gotten a little tummy since her 3 surgeries this past year as a result of her sedentary lifestyle. So... where I feel I should lose about 70 lbs to feel decent, she only has to lose about 20. .... so when we measure our bicep and thigh, I had fat there and she didn't so there is nothing to lose. But we're both excited for the results. I think the 28 day challenge is still having an affect on my weight loss, 'cause my working out hasn't been real extensive. My elbow is feeling better. I'll probably start the arm machines again soon, in a gradual manner, to see if I can figure out which one is causing the pain. Back to Yen Yen's. Sheila had the lemon chicken.....mmmmmmmmmmmm! very delicious. I had the spicy beef...mmmmmmmm also very delicious. They both came with white rice... so I only had about a few teaspoons. I've been sticking to the fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, fruit and nuts for snacks, and then a meal with portion control for dinner. Hopefully, this will do it and I'll continue on a good pace. If I find it's not working for me I might consider a few weeks w/ just the fruit and veggies again. Anyway, feeling good and that's good considering it is FCAT season, and I do all the prep work for it. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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