Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 29 - Mary

Today went pretty well. Just that sense of freedom was amazing. Everything was pretty much the same, except for dinner. Had fruit for lunch. Almonds and protein bar for snack. A salad and orange for lunch. For dinner we had 2 chicken breast strips on the grill, with cauliflower and whole grain rice. Had 1/2 apple and 1/2 an orange for dessert. I was initially disappointed about only losing 6 lbs. as I would have liked to have lost 8 lbs. (2 per week). Then I came to the realization that I didn't really diet the first week, just eliminated red meat... so, I fell a little better. Heading to Curves tomorrow after work because I have to go to the School-Related Employee of the Year celebration tomorrow evening. No burger yet, but hopefully this week. I would have liked to have gone last night but Sheila was working around the house later than we expected so I had steamed veggies. Hopefully, some time this week. Until next time, this is Mary signing off.

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