Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jean - I don't know what day it is!!!

Well it has been over a week since I last posted anything. The week has been going very well, but I have been very busy. I have been bragging for a while that I have not been sick in over a year. Taking vitamin B and other supplements. Since last Friday, I have had the worse sore throat and congestion. Not sure if it is a cold or alergies. The pollen is very thick.... Really has me down. I do notice that everytime I go outside, my eyes start to water and the sneezing begins. Will be happy when I feel better again.

By the way, I just figured out that today is Day 38!

Will get on the scale probably on Friday. Feel that I am still losing. Have had red meat a twice, but other than that, pretty much staying with the beans and vegetables. Noticing that I don't need as much to get full. Lunches and some dinners are a salad or a bowl of soup. Getting our bikes tuned up this weekend and looking forward to the time change. Will be lighter later and I plan to start riding my bike in the evenings. Last year at this time, we were riding 10 - 12 miles a day and felt great. Overall I am very happy, haven't felt like giving in or pigging out. Keep reminding myself that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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