Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 32 - I think, Mary

Today was good. I finally had my cheese burger and it was great;)....first bite of red meat since Feb. 1. For breakfast I had fruit, lunch was asparagus, brussel sprouts, and a few bites of left-over chicken. Dinner was a burger from 5 Guys. I didn't realize it was a double burger... if we go back I be sure to get the kids burger, because it was very filling. Sheila got fries and I tried a few, but didn't find them too appealing. For snack I had some nuts and raisins. Went to Curves today, which went well. Still not using arm machines due to my elbow. It is getting better, but each day I lift boxes or stacks of FCAT books and it strains it some more... still trying to avoid the doc. but not sure if that is going to be attainable. Anyway, until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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