Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jean March 16, 2010

Another week gone by and this one not as successful as previous, but back on track starting today. I realized that I quit telling myself that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life. I haven't lost any weight in the last week either. Must be something to that. I plan to continue the blogging every day. It helps to be accountable. Today I had a smoothie and grapefruit for breakfast. Lunch was a vege plate with corn, asparagus and spinach.
Dinner was 3 bean chili and a piece of bread. Snacks were almonds and a cup of yogurt. So although today was good, the weekend was a challenge. I had been sick all week and Thursday and Friday it rained all day. (Enough excuses?) You're right, what it boils down to is that I did not plan ahead. Pizza for lunch on Friday, not one piece, but 5 throughout the day. Saturday and Sunday were okay. I had a hamburger on Sunday night, out of town company and the family was over, the first in 8 weeks. That in itself was not that bad, except that I had a piece of chocolate cake and then felt bloated and stuffed after eating. Last night the family was together again to pick teams for March Madness. I knew that my sister was serving pizza and wings and I should have been responsible and planned ahead. I did not and had two pieces of pizza. I am very proud of Mary, she showed up with her salad. Going out of town for a few days, so I don't have the kitchen stocked as I should. I am recommitted and today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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