Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mary - Day 30 & 31

Well, I had a busy day yesterday and thought I would get to the blog this morning but the day started like a whirlwind....Yesterday, I had fruit for breakfast, leftover rice and cauliflower w/ a few bites of chicken for lunch and a chicken burrito and Brussel sprouts for dinner. I went straight from work, to Curves, came home ate and changed clothes and ran to the School Related Employee of the Year celebration. Our nominee is a great person and the principal was sick. That meant I had to be there early, so I could get on stage and be available to escort her when the school and her name was called. It was great for her and her family, but a long day for me.

Today I had the fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch and chicken strips on the grill, asparagus and an orange. Busy, busy day and busy time of the year. FCAT is next week and I am charged with preparing about 900 test booklets for the testing. I trained the teachers yesterday, took 3 hours, met with all the kids today (3 more hours) and then handled many, many parental, student and staff issues.... I'll be glad when this moon is over.:) Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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