Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jean - Day 28 - 28 Day Challenge Completed!

WOOHOO! Made it! Really enjoyed the changes in my life and the blogging! Today was good and Mary and I got together to compare our weight and measurements from the start to the finish. I think both of us thought we would have lost more weight, especially with the way my clothes are fitting. I lost 7 lbs and 7 total inches....

178 lbs
Bust - 44.75
Waist - 39
Lower Abs - 44.75
Hips - 44.5
Arms - L - 13.5 R - 13.5
Thighs - L - 25 R - 25
Calf - L - 15.25 R - 15.25

After 28 Days:
171 lbs
Bust - 43.75
Waist - 36.5
Lower Abs - 43.5
Hips - 43.25
Arms - L - 13.25 R - 13
Thighs - L - 23.75 R - 24
Calf - L - 14.75 R - 14.75

Today I had scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast, almonds for a snack, black beans for lunch and shrimp, scallops, fish, cabbbage, and a salad for dinner.

So now we have the 28 day challenge completed and working toward the 28 day challenge continued! Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Mary - Day 28

Yes! We finally made it to day 28. It wasn't that difficult until these last few days and the good outweighed the bad. I lost 6 pounds and 6 total inches. Not as much as I would have liked but 6 lbs. lighter and a lot of self-evaluation; was worth it. I'm glad I did it and plan on keeping on the straight and narrow. I will watch what I eat, and make sure at least 2 of my 3 meals are fruit and vegetables. I will start eating protein (chicken and beef) and have yogurt and cottage cheese in the way of dairy. I really thought I would have gone out and gotten a burger today, but I didn't... but I will sometime this week. I'm just curious how my body will react to some of these foods. I don't want to over-do it and make myself sick. Ready for breakfast and lunch on Monday, so until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 27

Again I am a day late..... Yesterday, Saturday, was pretty good. The weather was crappy, wet and cold, so not desire to do too much. For breakfast I had apples, bananas and blueberries. Lunch was a salad at Olive Garden with my Mother in Law and one bread stick. Small fruit smoothie for a snack and dinner with Dean and Amy at Out Back. Had a salad and a slice of bread. I feel like Mary, that I am ready for something more substantial. Looking forward to having beans back in the diet as well as eggs and yogurt. Think I will continue to eliminate the meat. Results of the 28 day challenge on my next blog..... Stay Tuned....

Today continutes to be the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mary - Day 27

Hello, Day started out easy... but easily deteriorated... I had a banana & piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. Had a bowl of veggie soup and protein bar for lunch. I then went and worked for a few hours. When I got home we decided to go to Carabba's for dinner. We had a 5 minute wait for dinner so I ordered a Crown and diet. Then it turned into a 15-30 minute wait so I had another... but they were 2 for 1 so..... We finally got seated and I ordered shrimp and crab cakes. Normally, I would have ordered Chicken Marsiella... with pasta w/ Alfredo sauce... but I didn't... We went to Curves this morning but it was already closed so we worked out at home w/ a "Biggest Loser" video. I did have some drinks tonight, so... I'm almost feeling the end to this... and I hope I don't go overboard with eating whatever I want... 'cause tonight did not follow the rules.. Anyway, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 26

Well, as you can see, yesterday was crazy and I didn't even get on the computer. Started with a breakfast meeting. Ordered oatmeal with cranberries and banana. Went to the office for a few hours and then left to meet clients for an 11:30 tee time. Was prepared and took fruit with me to the course. So my lunch consisted of an apple and some grapes. We were golfing for drinks, so I opted for diet coke at the beginning but at the end of the day had 2 beers with the guys :) Rushed home to meet with Dean, get something for dinner and head to the concert. Decided to go to a quick mexican - Tijuana Flats. Ordered a salad with black beans. Ate a few tortilla chips also. I would said that through the entire 26 days so far, this was my most challenging day, but still not too bad. I can live with it and I'm back on track this morning. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mary _ Day 26

Today was pretty good. Very busy at work... but food wise was okay. I had fruit w/ granola for breakfast, fruit and veggie soup for lunch, and whole grain rice with veggies for dinner. Snack included a banana and an orange. I wasn't too hungry today so that is good, but I've been craving some solid food... not necessarily red meat but something more wholesome. My goal is to walk on my off days of Curves, but that hasn't happened yet. Hopefully, this weather will decide that we live in Florida and sit at a constant temperature. Tried to call the doctor yesterday when I got home and got the answering service... same today, after noon. the elbow is feeling better... so we'll see. Jean... you are a very busy person... I hope you enjoy the concert. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mary - Day 25

Today was challenging, but not too bad. I had a training off campus. For breakfast I had fruit with granola. This training is something we go to with 4 other school periodically throughout the year. Each time one school brings snacks. The morning snacks were bagels, doughnuts and fruit. I can't tell you how much I wanted a doughnut or even a bagel. But I had a few pieces of fruit during a break. For lunch we went to Panera's. I had veggie soup and a salad. I must admit, I ate the bread that comes with it. I knew I should have told them to keep the bread.... but I didn't and I ate it. We went to Curves earlier today, but waited to eat afterwards. We had the home made veggie soup. Still good, particularly on days like today. Jean.... congratulations on the battery:0... Am I going to see you this weekend? I need to go to Curves on Saturday because they close at noon, but maybe after that or on Sunday morning to weigh and measure? Let me know. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 25

Happy Thursday! Long day today, as every Thursday I have a meeting downtown at 7:00 am. Used to be better at getting up early and getting going. Not so much now. Had a business lunch this afternoon and was able to leave work at about 5:30. Breakfast was a smoothie and coffee (which I have everyday, but don't normally put it down), lunch was a salad with lettuce, tomato, pecans, cranberries and chicken. I had them put the chicken on a separate plate so that I wouldn't have to pick it off and in the hopes that someone else would eat it. Dinner was a salad with lettuce, green onion, broccoli, cauliflower and tomato. Snacks were an apple and nuts. It is cold here again, low tonight in the 30's. I don't know how people who live up north do it. I think it is worse here because we just had two beautiful days in the 70's and then cold again. Everyone is walking around sniffleing. I think that eating right and a little exercise, along with my B-vitamins, is keeping me healthy. Looking forward to tomorrow, but today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life. Have to remember that as I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow, lunch and golf with clients in the afternoon and Dean and I are going to dinner and a Reba McIntire/George Straight concert tomorrow evening. Never a dull moment :)

This week has been okay, but don't think that I would want to make "eating raw" my permanent lifestyle. Sure that there are more item and some different recipes (didn't really even try the 3 that I found and thought I might like) but I am getting a little tired of salad. Not that I really want to sink my teeth into a juicy burger, but I wouldn't mind some blackbeans and rice or eggs or yogurt. The smoothies have been a welcomed addition. I have been thinking about what I will reintroduce next week and I am pretty sure that the elimination of red meat and possibly all meat is doable. I am curious about the next time I will eat meat and actually pay attention to the effect it may have on my body.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jean - Day 24

Hey Mary, the water is a great idea. I drink all day long, but have been drinking alot of caffeine-free iced tea. Will work harder on the water. Not feeling as bloated today.

For breakfast I had some grapefruit and a fruit smoothie with 1/2 banana, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. It was really good and very filling. For lunch I had a salad with pecans and cranberries. Snacks were an apple and some mixed nuts. Dean was playing racquet ball and getting home late so I lifted weights. It really felt good and I know I won't be able to walk in the morning.... too many squats :) We had a tossed salad for dinner with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and cukes and split a fruit smoothie. Bad thing is that we ate too late tonight. Been pretty good about not eating after 7:00 but it was about 7:30 tonight.

The Scale Battery saga is over....I finally got the first battery returned and came home with the correct one yesterday. I was going to wait until Monday to weigh myself and take my measurements, but the suspense was too on the scale this morning and .....well you'll have to wait until Monday, so I can give you all of the comparisons..... I was smiling all day though because today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

Mary - Day 24

Jean, I just read your blog from yesterday about being bloated. It's amazing how the body works. I know I mentioned being bloated last week sometime. Not sure if it was when I wasn't compliant or from lack of water. Are you getting enough water? I've been pounding the water and feel great. I can definitely tell in my clothes and so do others. Today I had a peach, banana, and a few grapes with granola for breakfast. A banana and protein bar for snack. For lunch I had a salad. For dinner I had brown rice with veggies (rice not appropriate for this week but not sure if the veggies would have sufficed so I thought I'd go with something from another week rather than cheat all together). I really jacked up my arm today. Going to call the doctor tomorrow. I'm really disappointed that I couldn't get through it without medical intervention. I got a call from my doctor today. All my blood work is great... She's very happy. Continuing to work towards getting off all meds and curious to see how many inches I have lost... as well as the lbs. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jean - Day 23

Much better today....more relaxed. Started with grapefruit this morning. For lunch I had vegetable salad and dinner a big garden salad. For snacks I had an apple this morning and nuts this afternoon.

Don't know why, but I am very bloated today. I did walk for 30 minutes this morning. Had some time this afternoon to look on Dr. Oz site and went through the recipes. Think I will try a smoothie in the morning.

Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

Mary - Day 23

Today was pretty good. I had a banana and a peach with a little granola sprinkled over it for breakfast. I had some almonds and a banana for snack. For lunch I ate the rest of my salad from yesterday. We went to Curves tonight and then went to Sonny's for salad bar. I did have a little scoop of cottage cheese but other than that I ate everything else raw veggies (except beets, I think). Busy as ever at work but still trying to stay focused. At Curves, I eliminated any of the machines that used my arm. Trying to see if that will help with the pain. It is excruciating...feels like a burning and a strong sharp pain. Hope it work. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jean - Day 22

Freaked myself out today. So worried about eating raw that I was hungry all day. Started the day with a bowl of apple, banana, blueberries and blackberries. For morning snack I had some grapes, lunch a side salad and snack an apple and nuts. So for that part of the day, except for the nuts did OK raw. For this week, I will do the best I can raw, but not worry if I eat something that is cooked. Will definately keep eating fruits and vegetables. For dinner, I had a vegetable salad - canned peas, green beans, & corn with onion, red and green pepper. There is a little sugar with vinegar and water for the dressing. I also had some grilled asparagus and some black beans. If I allow myself to eat what I want, to not be hungry, I may be able to do better. Walked 25 - 30 minutes today. Overall, I am happy with the day and would be happy with this as my new eating plan. Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

Day 22 - Mary

Had a pretty good day. Had fruit with granola sprinkled on it for breakfast. Had a banana and a few almonds for snack. Had a few bites of my salad for lunch... had to run somewhere at work and never got back to it... so I'll have it tomorrow. Had a salad for dinner. Not really hungry. Eating the way I did this weekend (not too much fresh veggies or fruit) I felt a little bloated and clogged up. However, after I ate my fruit this morning, it did the trick. Not only did I lose a lot of the roughage, I feel full (satisfied not bloated) & I'm not too hungry either. Elbow still bothering me.... trying a few more home remedies before making a doctor appointment... as mom always said, "the reason they call it a practice is they are all still practicing" :) I just know they will say, "stop using it" or "you need surgery." Can't do either of those right now.... so, ice, compression, elevation and a 'tennis elbow' brace. Still going to Curves tomorrow. I tried not doing the one machine on Saturday that I thought was causing the pain, but it was even worse the next day... so I'm going to have to stop all the arm machines until the pain is gone. I can do other exercises in place of it. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jean - Day 21

Did great today, under the circumstances.... Started the day with church with Dean and Amy and then went out to breakfast - had a bowl of oatmeal and 1/2 a slice of rye toast. Went to work and had a few peanuts for a snack. Had lunch at home at about 3:00, black beans. Met Dean's cousin and his family for dinner out at the Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club resort at Disney. Had a wonderful time and got a little concerned when I saw that it was a buffet. Glad that I could still stay on track (not perfect) with all of that food around. I had a large salad, a piece of baked fish, cabbage and bok choy, macaroni and cheese (not the best) and roll. Hate going to buffets because I would always feel like I had to eat a lot to get my moneys worth. Did better than usual and really don't even miss the desserts. I think the less sugar you have, the less you crave it.

Going to make a better effort to walk at least 30 minutes every day. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Mary - Day 21

Today was a challenge. We stayed home today and tried to get some work done around the house, however, with my elbow the way it is I couldn't do much. I vacuumed using my good are and cleaned the laundry room. Sheila did all of the laundry... Don't like not having use of my arm. Gives some perspective on those who have handicapping conditions that limit what they are able to do. For breakfast I had wholewheat toast and some bean chili. For lunch I had p. nut butter on wholewheat toast and an apple. For dinner I had some frozen cheese pizza. NOT GOOD. Laying around and not having food available did me in. I know I will do well this week because I'm prepared for it. I feel bad about cheating w/ the pizza because I've done so well up to now. But I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Until a healthier next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jean - Day 20

Another weekend day completed.... We would usually go out to breakfast every Saturday and most Sunday mornings. Doing more breakfast at home so I'm losing weight and saving money. Had the normal cereal with banana, blueberries, blackberries and raisins. We were at Dean's cousins for lunch, which means there is always a lot of food. I passed on the ribs, but had grilled shrimp, macaroni salad, vegetable salad and red beats and a slice of bread. Also passed on the carrot cake, homemade ice cream, and brownies. For dinner, I ate some more of my mother-in-laws macaroni salad and leftover vegeboli. Had a crockpot of blackbeans ready when I got home, but heating the leftovers was quicker than making rice.

If you've been keeping up with Mary and me, you know that I have been ending each blog with "Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life". Seems a little late in the day to say this, but I do start my day that way :) So, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Mary - Day 20

Only 8 more days to go... and next week is suppose to be all raw food. We'll see how it goes. Today I had a piece of whole wheat toast and cantaloupe for breakfast. I made the 3-bean chili Jean mentioned earlier. It was delicious. I had that for lunch. I had p.nut butter bread for a snack and the 3 bean chili and peach for dinner. I went to Curves this morning. I was really tired when trying to work out. It difficult too with the pain in my elbow... I hate not having my body work. I can't wait until it feels good again. I might have to break down and go to the doctor. I re-injured it last night when taking the garbage out.

Today I cut down 2 cabinet doors that go over the 'fridge because they came down too low to the 'fridge. Jimmy spent the day with us, so that kept us busy. Can't wait to get a good night sleep tonight. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mary - Day 19

Hey All, Today was a great day for me.... I've realized that I'm not really hungry when I get up and have to eat breakfast... Don't know if I've ever felt that way in the last 25 years... Today I had a banana & a slice of whole wheat toast for breakfast. I had a meeting at 7:30 this morning, then met with my principal to go over district Principal's meeting info, then had to drive to the ESC for a committee work session. We worked on writing job descriptions to meet district, state and federal guidelines. I had a salad & peach for lunch. Worked 'til 5:00 with tutorial. By the time I got home (5;30 pm), we had 3 men delivering new kitchen appliances. Spent the rest of the night cleaning, reading manuals, and refilling the 'fridge and freezer. We had a Smart Start TV dinner. Mine had pasta, veggies and cheese... still no meat... I did have a few Crown's and diet, though, as we worked. No extra exercise... but hopefully will make up for it this weekend. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 19

TGIF.... Mary, I bet you are more excited than me. Did your appliances arrive today? Proud of you doing such a great job and being dedicated to the workouts. Hopefully the diet and exercise will help you deal with the stress. Thank you for doing this with me, it has been fun and you keep me motivated :)

Looking forward to a busy weekend and preparing to eat right. Almost everything we do revolves around food and I love to eat. Although I have felt very good about the past 19 days and I am really proud of the fact that I have been able to somewhat stick to it. The hardest part for me has been the preplanning and I feel that I am getting better and better everyday. Today I started with the normal cereal, banana, blueberries and blackberries with almond milk. For lunch I had a tuna sub with lettuce, onion and tomato and for dinner I had half of a vegeboli. Ate out way too much this week and will eat in more next week. Having a few concerns about the all raw week. The challenge, as I read it on Dr. Oz's website, is not very detailed. Not sure if I should have been eating bread or cereal. Next week is pretty clear - nothing cooked. Tonight I prepared vegetables (onion, tomato, peppers) for black beans and rice for Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow we are heading to St. Pete to visit Dean's Uncle and his family. Harold, the uncle is in his early '90's and is a wonderful example of eating and living right. Prepared a vegetable salad to be sure the I have something healthy to eat. On Sunday we are meeting Dean's cousin and his family out at Disney for dinner. They are visiting from PA. Glad that they should have a beautiful weekend while here. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mary - Day 18

Today went pretty well. I had to go to the dermatologist today so I got to work late... Boy what a whirlwind after I got there. I had an interview waiting for me when I got there, had two observations, had to suspend 6 kids from school, had 2 custodians get into a knock-down-drag out, had a parent threaten to get their attorney, had tutorial, and on and on.... I guess my job is a little stressful... For breakfast I had fruit and coffee. For lunch I had broccoli and a peach. I had a protein bar for a snack. We went to Curves as soon as I got home and then went out to dinner for a salad bar... at of all places, Sonny's BBQ. I am starting to feel a little bit of tone in my muscles. The workout was difficult tonight but I kept going. Elbow is feeling better but still not totally pain free.... I'm just going to keep on keeping on... Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 18

Good evening.....glad it is the end of the day. Today was really tough. I was hungry all day and my sister, Ann, brought a Banana Dream Cake from TooJays to work. Not a good combo... So I ate way too many nuts today, but I didn't eat any cake :) For breakfast I had Fiber One cereal with blueberries, blackberries and almond milk. For lunch I had a vege burrito with black beans and for dinner I had red beans and rice. For snacks I had peanuts. After work Dean and I went to the grocery. This is a good thing, since we were getting down to not having healthy choices in the house. So when I get hungry tomorrow, I will have an apple or a banana to snack on. Planning to get the battery for the scale tomorrow, but I don't think I will weigh or measure myself until the end of the 28 days. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jean - Day 17

Dang, it is cold! Can't get warm for the past two days. Dean said it is because I am losing my insulation. Isn't he so sweet? I do really feel good. My skin and my hair seem to be more healthy and I am noticing other little changes...I can cross my legs better and my ham hock thighs are getting smaller. Worked out with the weights yesterday morning and I could barely walk this morning, my thighs are really sore. I look like an old lady when I stand up, but like a spring chicken once I get going. Had oatmeal for breakfast, a tuna sandwich for lunch, went to church at noon for Ash Wednesday, and had shrimp, broccoli and tomatoes for dinner. Being Catholic, we always worked around no meat on Ash Wednesday and on Friday during lent. Used to be a bit of a chore, but don't every need to worry about it this year.

Need to do additional research on the eating raw. Feeling proud of my progress thus far and need to get to the grocery to make sure we have the proper food on hand. I wish the challenge was a little more detailed and I will just keep striving to eating more raw. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Mary - Day 17

Always trying new things... went to Curves last night and got a goodie bag. One of the products in it was called Riceworks. It is like a bag of chips. It contains whole grain brown rice, rice flour, masa corn flour, high oleic expeller pressed safflower oil and/or sunflower oil and/or canola oil and a few other things. 0 sugar; 6 g of fat, 0 cholesterol, 19 g of total carbs. Not sure if they are good or bad... I thought good until I just saw the carbs, but they were delicious.... For breakfast I had fruit and granola. My morning snack was the RiceWorks because I was in between meetings and in a rush. For lunch I had the other 1/2 of my rice and veggies from yesterday and the veggie soup. Dinner was veggie soup and some whole wheat crackers. I'll have some fruit soon. Was ready to try the running program that Jean gave me but got home after kickball practice and spent time talking to Mike about taking out our rotten fence. Hitting Curves tomorrow. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jean - Day 16

I really did hit the ground running today.... Got up at 5:30 and lifted weights. Had cereal with raisins for breakfast, peanuts for a morning snack. Had a ABWA (American Business Women's Association luncheon today at Flemings Steak House. Great food, grilled shrimp, greenbeans, a couscous type pasta and a salad. No bread or dessert. For dinner, I had red beans and rice. Need to go shopping and do more with the raw nuts...

Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Mary - Day 16

Started off the morning with fruit and granola. Had decaf. coffee with sweet & low and skim milk. Morning snack was some almonds. For lunch I had some brown rice and veggies. My afternoon snack was a juicy peach. For dinner we had some of that great veggie soup. Sheila found some whole-wheat crackers so I could have a little crunch with the soup. We then went to Curves and worked out. It doesn't seem that any of the machines actually hurt my elbow.... but we'll see. We went to Home Depot and bought a new set of kitchen appliances. We've been using what was here when we moved in 10 years ago and they were the builders original. The dishwasher was not really cleaning the dishes very well... so we thought it was time to take the plunge. Home Depot has no interest, no payments for 1-year... which is not going to be offered anymore after the 22nd of this month due to new legislation. They can still offer the no interest but you have to make payments. That isn't a problem with me because I always make payments with those offers anyway. They should be delivered on Friday.... Now all we need is a new kitchen:0 Jean, I hope you're not suffering from jet lag... Until next time, this is Mary, signing off!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mary - Day 15

Had the day off for President's Day. Had Jimmy today and lots of running around. We went to Denny's for bf. I had wholewheat pancakes with sugar-free syrup and scrambled egg whites and fruit. That held me over until dinner. I had a salad with a piece of grilled chicken (I just feel like I needed some protein). Sheila went shopping today while I took Jimmy to Lil' 500. We had fun. Can't wait to get back on the fruit and veggies. Sheila's making veggie soup again. Going to Curves again tomorrow. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 15

Day 15 - spent 10 hours in a car driving from North Carolina to Orlando. Had drive-thru for lunch and dinner. Not a total train wreck, as you would think. You never know what you might get if you ask. Who would have thought that you could get a vege sandwich at Arby's? Not me, but I did. For dinner I had another vege sandwich from Subway. Too much bread in the past 4 days, but will be back on track soon. For breakfast I had shredded wheat with banana and strawberries. Had used all the blueberries on the cobbler, that I didn't eat any of :) For snacks I had an apple and 6 riceworks - rice chips. Really enjoy going to the mountains and we saw a ton of snow. (Ton = 4-5 inches) Pretty exciting for us Florida Crackers. Looking forward to getting up and exercising in the morning before I hit the ground running (not literally) and back to work. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jean - Day 14

Can't believe two weeks have passed already! Hate to sound like a broken record, but this has not been as difficult as I thought it would be. Today was a very low key day. Started with breakfast of shredded wheat, fruit and a biscuit. We then sat on the front porch and watched the birds, watched a movie, watched the snow.... Did a lot of sitting and watching :) For lunch I had leftover salad and mashed potatoes. We went out to dinner with two other couples for Valentines Day. Had a salad, 2 shrimp, 2 scallops and a baked potato. Even though everyone else was eating steak and apple pie, it really didn't bother me. Driving back to Orlando tomorrow and then back into our normal routine. This visit to NC has been a lot different from visits past. I always regarded it as a vacation and threw all sense about eating out the window. I know that this is a new lifestyle, not a diet. It helps knowing that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

Mary - Day 14

Happy Valentine's Day. Today was a slow day, since we got home so late last night. I had a piece of toast, whole grain rice, and pears for breakfast. I had some green beans w/ almonds for lunch. for dinner I had a low-fat frozen pizza. Again, not the best of food to eat, but we're out of everything. I'll get to the store tomorrow since I'm off for President's Day. I can't wait to try the bean chili and to have some more of the vegetable soup. I did take a nap today, which was nice. I'm struggling with a pain in my left elbow. I think it's from one of the machines at Curves. I did have tennis elbow before so I'm not sure if it flared up from working out. I DON'T want anything to stand in my way of continuing the path I am on. I have a band that I got from last time so I'm wearing it to see if it will help. I'm going to get my blood work done tomorrow and I know with the great diet I've been on the numbers should look pretty good. I'll let you know. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Mary-Day 13

Well, I didn't get to blog yesterday. I got home late from the baby shower... which turned in to a poker tournament. We had a good time. I didn't eat any wings or cake... I had some apples and veggies. But I also had a few cocktails... which of course are not on the challenge....I got up and went to Curves to do my work out. Then we went shopping for a new fence and a new dishwasher. Got home in time to shower and go the the baby shower. For breakfast I had a piece of whole wheat toast and for lunch I had a bean burrito with lettuce, tomato, and onions. I'm finding it not too hard to eat right... I just have to set my mind to it and stay focused regardless... Yes, that custom made cake looked good and cake is one of my favorites, but is it really worth it...I think not. Until next time... this is Mary, signing off.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jean - Day 13

It was a wonderful day! Slept in until 8:00 am - Very late for me, but I felt great all day. Started with shredded wheat and fruit for breakfast. Worked in the kitchen most of the morning preparing dinner. Had red beans and rice for lunch and then took the dogs for a walk up the mountain. Started snowing while we were gone. Company arrived at 6:00. Dean smoked chicken and ribs. I ate salad and butternut squash. Plenty filling. Had also prepared loaded mashed potatoes and blueberry cobbler for dessert. Really enjoy having the time to prepare new recipes. Snacked on some dried fruit/trail mix. After reading the label, I probably shouldn't eat it. Too high in sugar. Continuing to feel good and learn how to deal with different situations, forming habits for today, the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

Day 12 - Jean

Day 12 was OK, but not the best. Being out of my normal routine and not having the right foods on hand made it a bit of a challenge. We got up early and did some work outside, involved unloading all the top soil and mulch that we had loaded in the truck on Wednesday. Dean did more of this than me, but is was still a bit of a workout. Took the dogs for a walk also, while the weather was good. Started snowing in the afternoon and through the night. I fell asleep at 8:00 and did not get up until 8:00, so I am reporting the morning of the 13th. My body is a little out of whack. I had not had a period since February 23, 2009 and was looking forward to the end of the month to be in full menopause. Well, I started a period yesterday morning, cramps and being weepy came along with it. So I guess my body will tell me when it is ready and it is not now. Can't remember the last time I slept for 12 hours, but it feel very good and refreshed this morning. Yesterday I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, strawberries for a snack, buffalo chicken pizza crust for lunch - Dean ate the insides, red beans and rice and a biscuit for dinner. The recipe for the red beans called for turkey sausage and chicken broth and I didn't use either, so once I served it I had to add a little salt and pepper to boost the flavor. Love making the bean dishes, as I always have leftovers and will be prepared for the next days lunch. Tonight we are having company for dinner, so I looked at some recipes to see what I can make that will keep me on track. Fixing a big salad and butternut squash, mashed potatoes and Dean is going to smoke some chicken and ribs. Still holding on tight and knowing that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mary - Day 12

What a heck of a day. Every class celebrated Valentines day today with sugar, sugar, and more sugar.... boy was it hard to avoid... but I did it. Had the usual fruit and granola for breakfast. Had a banana and protein bar with a cup of pears for snack, had a salad & an orange for lunch and had veggie bowl for dinner.

I think this diet is catching up with me, not necessarily because I'm craving stuff but I've had a short fuse. I guess I have to figure out how to get the necessary nutrients to avoid a continuation of this. I'm sure the exercise will help too.

Jean, I'm glad you made it up to the mountains safely. I hope you & Dean enjoy your anniversary. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jean - Day 11

Mary, I think that it is wonderful that you made time to go to Curves, especially with such a buzy day. Hopefully you had more energy when you got back to school this evening. I cannot get over the nerve of the lunch ladies charging you extra for your toppings :) That's .60 that we would have invested on a $1.00 double cheese burger at BK in the past. Great investment change too!

Late night for me also. Just sitting down at 11:27 pm. Today was our 32nd wedding anniversary. So we had oatmeal with fruit for breakfast and then went to work. We left work at about 12:45 to stop by the house and head out for our 9 1/2 hour drive to NC. We picked up lunch at Subway - Vege sub with no cheese - 6". First bread I have had in a week. Everything was going well when I wanted something to eat. I know that it was because I was bored and was trying to stay awake while Dean was driving. So we had some vegetarian rice chips. They were pretty good. The serving size was 10 and I only had 5. We had a wonderful Anniversary dinner by dashboard light. Dean had chick-fil-a nuggets and carrot salad. I had an apple and an unsweet tea. To celebrate, we shared a small strawberry milk shake.

The weather was really good for the trip, no ice or snow on the roads, but a temperature of 24 degrees when we arrived. Looking forward to a few days of R&R, and good eating (which is not something we usually do when up here, I take that back, it is usually very good eating, just not completely healthy). The biggest weakness is the apple fritters from Ingles. I am convinced, after the past two weeks, that the apple fritter does not taste as good and I have been feeling, so I will be able to refrain. Not too sure about Dean....

Ready to go to bed knowing that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

Mary - Day 11

Late night tonight. I had to stay at school late tonight for a 1st grade Parents to Kids night. The entire 1st grade class (about 160 kids) put on the "Real Story about the 3 Little Pigs." It was a reader's theatre where each class take turns choral reading different parts of the story. It was real cute. Parents then go back to the classroom to learn how to help make better readers out of their children. Great strategies. Anyway, I went to Curves in between school and the performance.

For breakfast I had fruit with granola sprinkled over it. Lunch was a left over salad that I had in the 'frige since Monday and a peach. For dinner I had a bean burrito with no cheese, no sour cream, only beans, lettuce, tomato, and onions. I was a little miffed 'cause I had to pay 30 cents for each of the lettuce and the tomato. I also had broccoli and cauliflower. For snacks I had some nuts w/ raisins, a banana, and an apple. I think this was a pretty good week (work week that is). Curious how the weekend will go. I think it's pretty easy unless I have a party or an event to go to. This weekend we have a baby shower. Hopefully, there will be "good" food to eat... I already know they are having chicken wings and cake... uh oh:) I know I can do it without the sugar or fat. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jean - Day 10

Today was another good day. Some may wonder if it can be true that everyday is so good, or what is so good about eating right? Well, for most of my adult life I have joked about starting my diet on Monday, EVERY MONDAY... and by Wednesday, Thursday or the weekend I would give it up and think what the heck. So, being on this program for 10 days and really not having any cravings or temptations is an accomplishment.

Had the normal red, white and blue breakfast.
Morning snack - Apple
Met a client at Boston's Seafood for lunch and had shrimp, rice and squash. (Usually I would get the onion rings, because they are the best, and I would justify that I am eating a vegetable.
For dinner we are having leftover 3 bean chili.

I took a 20 minute walk with the dogs and we are loading 20 bags of mulch and a bunch of pavers into the truck tonight for the trip to NC tomorrow. That will be a workout in itself. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Mary - Day 10

Wow! It's hard to believe we already have 10 days under our belts. The diet is not that hard, it's just changing the mind-set that is hard. I would love to have chocolate or a burger but I think it's just my mind telling me that and not the body. I have not wanted for anything and have actually felt full or satisfied. I had fruit for breakfast with a little granola sprinkled on top. A banana and some almonds for a snack. For lunch I had some of the veggie soup and the rest of my fruit from yesterday. For an afternoon snack, I had the Atkins protein bar and for dinner some more soup and some cauliflower. I'll have a fruit later for snack.

Jean, I really haven't felt it in my clothes yet. When I went to the doctor on Monday, my weight according to their scale, actually had me a few pounds heavier than when I weighed at Jean's before the diet. However, I went to Curves yesterday and weighed about the same as I did at Jean's. Of course, at the doctors office I weighed with my shoes and a jacket... I'm not really focusing on weight right now. Just knowing that I'm changing my lifestyle is good for me. Eating right and exercising is what I need to do to lose weight and to get in that's fine with me. The weight will eventually come off. I've been on so many diets that the scale can actually be your enemy.

I want to address stress, which is a big catalyst to eating improperly. I have a very stressful job, even tough I don't get harried, stressed. It's just having a lot to do, with a lot at stake, with a lot of deadlines, that deals with the lives of 850 kids and 110 staff members. Well, I've been having a pain in my jaw. I thought it could have been from grinding my teeth one stressful night. I finally got into the dentist today and he adjusted my bite. It already feels better. He related it to stress... My point is that even if we don't act stressed our lives, the way they are, cause stress and if we don't get rid of it in healthy ways (exercise, meditation, etc), we try to get rid of it in unhealthy ways (eating for comfort or convenience, drinking, or other risky behaviors). Maybe I'll get out of denial and deal with stress more realistically. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9 - Jean

Another day, another pound or two, I hope. But, I won't know because I don't have a new battery for the scale. I'll wait another day for that. Kind of excited as my clothes are feeling more loose.

Today was no problem as far as eating and I worked out with Gilad this morning. The weather was not great, but I wanted to be sure to do some exercise. That was a 30 minute move your body. I taped two additional workout shows from FitTV so I will have a back up if it is not good outside.

Breakfast - Red, white and blue (If you don't understand, you can read about 5 of the last 8 days - eating the same thing every morning)
Morning snack - raw vegetables
Lunch - Vegetable Soup
Afternoon snack - mixed fruit and a clementine
Dinner - Large vegetable salad and 6 shrimp

Looking forward to this weekend with excitement and apprehension. We are celebrating our 32nd Wedding Anniversary and Valentines Day by heading up to the NC mountains. I know we will have a great time, but will have to plan ahead so that we won't need fast food on the 10 hour drive up and back. Funny that when I put my mind to it, it hasn't seemed so difficult. I understand the life style change and know that is where I am going because today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

Mary-Day 9

Well, Jean, I'm glad I can oblige you by trying to blog first. I probably beat you because I go to bed earlier. Well, we had our first day at Curves today. It seemed pretty easy... I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. It is a circuit of about 12 machines and 12 aerobic stations that you go through 2.5 times and then some stretching. I need something, I think that is like this that is easy, I know the time span needed to complete, and will be easy to plan around. Some folks I know who have tried it said they got bored on it.

Eating today was good. I had fruit and decaf for breakfast, a banana for a snack, some more of the yummy vegetable soup and more fruit for lunch, an Atkins protein bar for afternoon snack, more yummy soup for dinner and an apple with a little peanut butter for nighttime snack. Things seem to be going well. As stated, one time last week this is really helping with my digestion. I was, at one time, diagnosed with IBS and was given different meds to help move the old intestines. Well, this diet has helped tremendously with that. I told some folks at work today, I felt like singing Hallelujah this morning when everything flowed so nicely...! Kind of a shitty situation:)

We had FCAT Writes at school today, so I was very busy. I hope the kids did well. I can't believe what is expected of kids these days. I know when I was about their age and had to do a report, most of it was copied right out of the ol' World Book. I think I eventually became a decent writer but I'm amazed how well some of these kids can write. Anyway, on Thurs. (my next workout day) I have a night event at school. I'm going to attempt to leave after school, work out and go back to school. Hopefully, this will work. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jean - Day 8

I really enjoy it when Mary does her blog first. I like to hear what she says and her outlook on the entire process. I am so glad that she agreed to do this with me. Knowing that I have someone else relying on me is much better for me. What is also helping is the way that my clothes are fitting and the way I feel.

Very disappointed this morning when I went to weigh myself and the battery in the scale was dead. Gives me a few more days before I check for any results. Didn't get the battery today, but Dean said he will get it for me tomorrow. So, Wednesday will be the day. Need to get motivated with the exercise. I enjoy it when I do it, but getting out of bed and 5:00 isn't what it used to be. Tomorrow I WILL do some sort of exercise.

Breakfast - Fibre One Cereal (Good think Publix has it buy one, get one free alot) with, you guessed it, strawberries, blueberries and bananas.

Was hungry early in the day, snacked on a fruit cup and some peanuts

Lunch.....WE WENT TO SONNY'S! I think all the talk about it this past weekend, really put Dean in the mood for BBQ. I just had one trip to the salad bar.

Afternoon snack - raw vegetables and peanuts

Dinner - Three Bean Chili. I wrote about this the other day and the recipe worked. 1 can of each - Black Beans, Kidney Beans and Pinto Beans, rinsed. Heat with some onion and 2 cans of rotel tomatoes and chiles. Really liked it.

Walked the dog tonight, so I had a short bit of exercise. I know how important the exercise is and will work harder to fit it in, because, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

Mary - Day 8

Well, la-de-dah.... It wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought without meat there would be no protein and I would be very hungry all day long.... so to counteract that I did have an egg this morning with veggies. I had a banana for a snack and a small Atkins protein bar. For lunch I had a salad with nuts and dried fruit. I had a doctor's appt. today to change doctors for my new life. My main goal is to get off all meds. (currently taking blood pressure medicine and meds for cholesterol and triglycerides). I also want to lose weight. My first day at Curves begins tomorrow... I'm excited, but somehow I pulled a muscle in my gluteus maximus this weekend and struggle with some moves. I had to get up this morning with the phone ringing at 4:00 am with an alarm going off at school. I had to go up there to meet the police. There were 1/2 dozen police cars and guns drawn. There was an open window, and dust in the vents. After a long day, I came home to a big pot of vegetable soup that my partner made. It was delicious and filling. I had an apple with dinner and a peach for my after dinner snack. I really feel satisfied with just what I had. Tomorrow I'm going to try fruit for breakfast since we are not suppose to have eggs. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mary - Day 7

Superbowl Sunday... Not a good time for diet, but I did okay. I had granola and skim milk for breakfast. I had some wholewheat toast with peanut butter for lunch and an Activia for snack. Went to a friends for the first 1/2 of the game and she served brats. I had one, even though I know it's not too good for me. I didn't have the bun though. I also had some beans. But the biggie is I didn't drink any beer, which is my usual staple particularly with football. Looking forward to getting back to work to get on a schedule. I'm not as prepared as Jean is. I still don't know what I am going to do for next week since it is just fruits and vegetables... no meat, eggs or dairy. Not too worried about lunch because it is easy for me to get salads. We'll see how it goes. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

Jean - Day 7

Super Bowl Sunday! Well I think there is actually way too much hype for a football game. I enjoy watching football, and think it would be great if people just got half as exited about who their local government officials were. Off the soapbox....Today went really well. Went to church last night, so for the first time in a few weeks we could get up and not have anywhere we had to go. Had time for a new recipe for breakfast and prepared raw vegetables and fruits for the week. Our life is very busy and we have many friends and family. Sometimes I think we need a break, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel very blessed.

For breakfast I made a new recipe. Protien banana pancakes. Consisted of 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup of oats, 2 tablespoons of Whey protien, and 2 tablespoons of bisquik (It called for whole wheat pancake mix, but I didn't have it), and 1/2 sliced banana. Mix and cook as you would regular pancakes. We used sugar free maple syrup. They were really good and very filling.

Snack - Mixed Nuts
Lunch - Vegetable soup
Snack - blueberries, strawberries and 1/2 banana and one pretzel
Dinner - Salad with grilled shrimp, dried cherries, manderine orange, and pineapple

Need to get back into lifting weights. Having a hard time getting everything into the day, exercise, meal prep, work, meditation and prayer. But I feel better and have more energy, so I'll work at making it all fit. Constant change is a reminder that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.


WOW!!! Believe it or not, I did it! Okay! I know part of my anxiety was the weekend... But... I think I made it... except for a few drinks...... Yes! I like my drinks! So, my best friend, Cindy had a party tonight to celebrate her sister-in-law's birthday. She served dinner and had a poker game. I had only a salad for dinner and actually came in second in the 16 playcr poker tournament... maybe I should eat right all the time.") :) I won $90!
For breakfast, I had the usual, eggs with veggies, low-fat cheese, and a slice of whole wheat toast. I also had an Activia and some granola for a snack. You see, what I had for dinner was just a small salad... and there was even B-day cake... that I declined on... I did have some Crown and Diet Pepsi... and probably messed up with that, but usually I drink many a beer... but I know I was good tonight not only with my diet but also by my effort to give to the birthday girl the winning hand and to walk away!!! Until next time, this is Mary, signing out!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jean - Day 6

Woo Hoo! Made it through a Saturday. Weekends are a challenge for me, but no problems today. Attended a training from 9 am - 1 pm and was starving when I got out, but have no fear, I planned ahead and had an apple with me to hold off the hunger until I got home and fixed lunch.

Breakfast - 2 eggs, grits and rye toast
Snack - Apple
Lunch - Leftover Vege Lasagna
Snack - Clementine
Dinner - Grilled chicken salad with apple, manderine orange and pineapple
Microwave Popcorn

Went online last night and found a website called Found some great recipes to try under the vegetarian heading. Already planning black beans and rice, and a vegetarian bean chili. This is a weight watchers recipe that I used to make. Can't find the recipe, but think it has onion, black beans, navy beans and kidney beans. Drain and rinse all the beans, combine with onion and add 1 can of rotel. Let you know next week if it taste any good or if I may have left something out :)

Walked the dog today and that is the only exercise. My knee and hip are still a little achy, but much better than yesterday. Will walk or bike ride tomorrow.

Looking forward to Monday as I plan to weigh myself and take my measurements. See if there is any change. When I first started this, I joked that my husband wasn't really doing the challenge, but that he would probably lose more weight than me. Well last week he lost 4 pounds. I'll check it out on Monday and let you know. No matter what, I still believe that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Jean - Day 5

I realized today that I am doing something very good for myself, but Sonny's BBQ is really going to miss me! For the past 6-8 months, we ate lunch at Sonny's at least once a week and sometimes more. I am feeling really good, have energy and know that I am doing the right thing. Still no red meat today, but didn't eat as well as other days, ate out for lunch and dinner.

Breakfast - scrambled eggs with onion, broccoli, fresh parsley and a slice of cheddar cheese.

No morning snack.

Lunch - garden salad and slice of pizza with green pepper

Afternoon snack - blueberries, strawberries and red grapes (it was like snacking on M&M's, small round bites and a bit sweet)

Dinner - Pasta Fagioli and 1/2 of a piece of vegetable lasagna

Drank coffee, unsweet tea and water. No alcohol for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Not that I normally drink a lot, but Dean and I would usually have a glass of wine a few nights a week. It is amazing that I don't miss that. I have not been hungry during the past 5 days and, like Mary, haven't had any cravings.

This morning I did an interval work out with walking a running. Did much better than on Monday. Went the entire 30 minutes and probably ran a total of 5 minutes. The running came a little easier today, but later in the day it took me a few seconds every time I stood up to get my legs back. Right knee, hip and butt are really stiff! Will try to work it out this weekend.

Have to work hard for the weekend and be aware of my surroundings and plan ahead before the Super Bowl party :) I will remember that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Day 5 - Mary

Today was a little weird for me. I was a little agitated all day, and don't know why. Work is a little stressful, w/ FCAT Writing coming up next week or maybe my body is adjusting to good stuff or I'm a little anxious about next week (losing dairy and all meat). Today for breakfast I had eggs w/green peppers, turkey, low fat cheese; a slice of whole wheat toast and 1/2 a peach. Snack was the other 1/2 of the peach. For lunch I had a salad w/ turkey, carrots, cukes, tomato. I also had 1/2 of an orange and some pear slices (in water). Afternoon snack was a small hand full of granola. For dinner.... and Friday is always pizza night, I had a whole wheat crust with sauce and low-fat cheese, while everyone else ate homemade pepperoni pizza. It was still good and I really didn't care, it's just the pre-planning and making a conscious effort to do what I should do rather than just eat whatever is there or whatever is easy. I'm not too sure I am following the raw-food diet the way I am suppose to but I think if the goal is a lifelong change in my thoughts about what I am putting in my mouth & what I am actually putting in my mouth, this week has been pretty good compared to what I would have otherwise eaten if not focusing on this. Starting Curves next Tue. (that is the first date she had available to "train" us). Looking forward to a set schedule to get the body moving. Since it is only 3 days a week, I am contemplating what physical activity I will be doing the off days. I'm not too sure 3 days a week if enough... and I think a little more cardio is necessary.... Anyway, until next time.... this is Mary signing out:)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 - Mary

Hello All... Hey Jean.... I went to Curves tonight to have a little consult. Decided to join. Workouts-30 minutes - 3 times per week... I know I can do that... but not sure if it will be enough. The day, again, was pretty good. I had eggs with turkey, low fat cheese and veggies; 1 slice of whole wheat toast and fruit. Lunch was tuna and Activia. Dinner was chicken strips on the grill and spinach. I had a banana and almonds for a snack. I notice I'm not craving food as much as before. Anxious about next week. Trying to figure out how to plan and manage. This is Mary... signing off!

Jean - Day 4

Thursday....Mary, where are you? You usually beat me to the blog! Well a few revelations today...I am really feeling good and I noticed that my rings keep twisting around my fingers...that means that my fingers are not swelling. I don't know why, but I like. In the past I would feel like the Michelin Man, being bloated and my clothes feeling tight. Today my pants actually felt loose later in the day. I feel better overall.

Although it is only day 4 and I have another 24 days to go, I am confident that I can stick with this and succeed.

Today I dined on....

Breakfast - You'll never guess....Fiber One Cereal with banana, strawberries and blueberries with Almond Milk. My husband has dubbed it the red, white and blue breakfast!
Morning Snack - Red Grapes
Lunch - Ministrone soup and garden salad (Olive Garden Variety)
Afternoon Snack - Apple
Dinner - Roasted chicken breast, spinach, turnip greens, long grain and wild rice, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Need to look at some recipes this weekend and prepare for next week, eliminating meat and dairy. I'll let you know what magic I can work with beans :)

Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jean - Day 3

Now, this is where it starts getting a little (and I mean just a little) difficult. The middle of the week and there is way too much going on. My husband and I own our own business and I think that some times the stress of the business is one of my downfalls. I know that I am a stress eater, but I am working on that. Planning ahead and being focused about what I am going to choose to put in my mouth makes a big difference. Although hectic, I love the work that I do and the people I work with (4 of my team mates are family). We work very hard and have been very blessed. How does that saying go....the harder I work, the luckier I am, that's me.

Today I ate:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, strawberries, blueberries, 1/2 banana

Morning Snack - Clementine

Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup, tomatoes and cucumber, slice of leftover pork roast

Afternoon Snack - Banana

Dinner - Met some friends and tried a new Turkish restaurant in Dr. Phillips. The food and the service were excellent. I ordered the shrimp shish kabob, with bulgar and a green salad. Also had a piece of the flat bread.

Haven't been lishing my drinks, but since Mary does, thought that maybe I should...

2 cups of coffee each morning, water, unsweet tea for lunch and dinner and usually a diet coke in the afternoon.

Just a short walk this evening. Too tired to get up this morning.
Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

Day 3 - Mary

Hello All,

Late night for me tonight. Had a kickball game after school today. We lost, but had fun and no one got hurt. We played another school who has been playing for a few years. They had 10 experienced player. We practiced once and had 20 random players. We let everyone play... so it wasn't too competitive. Anyway... it was all for fun.

Food was good today. Had egg with veggies and an Activia for breakfast. Had a salad and a peach for lunch. My snacks today were a banana and some almonds. Since we had the ballgame, we all went out afterward. I had a tuna pita and 3 beers..... Actually, that is pretty good for me 'cause I usually have a cheeseburger, chips and 3 buckets of beer:) Looking forward to my meeting at Curves tomorrow... Hope we can make it work. Until next time.... this is Mary signing out:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 - Jean

Can't believe that it is 11:27 pm and I am still awake and writing on this blog. I am usually ready for bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10:00. Went to a movie with my mother in law tonight and because of time constraints, had dinner at McDonalds drive thru. Notice that I have more energy. Don't know if it is the healthy eating or the exercise. Walked for 30 minutes this morning.

Tried to be somewhat healthy. Just like yesterday, I have felt full all day long. Almost a chore to eat an afternoon snack.

Breakfast: Fiber One cereal with blueberries, banana and almond milk. Also had 3 prunes.

No morning snack

Lunch: Tuna on a bed of lettuce with apple, sunflower seeds and raisins. Unsweet iced tea

Afternoon snack: Red Grapes

Dinner: Grilled chicken snack wraps (2) - 1/2 of a 1/2 small popcorn

One of the reasons I am excited to get healthy is the fear of the govenment taking control of our health care. Recently did a job for a government agency, still trying to get paid after 60 days, and the excuse I am getting is that "they are the government and they are just slow". So I don't want to have to ever put my health at the mercy of the same institution that can't process an invoice in less than 30 days. So, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life......

Day 2 - Mary

Before I begin today's entry, I wanted to comment on last night's dinner. We had whole wheat spaghetti with ground turkey meat sauce. I really couldn't tell a big difference from the regular spaghetti we usually eat. Today I had 2 eggs with turkey, low fat cheese and a peach for breakfast. Lunch consisted of left over spaghetti and an Activia. Dinner was a piece of chicken breast on the grill, corn and steamed broccoli. My snack was a banana and a hand full of organic nuts, seed and dried food from the Publix produce dept. I didn't drink as much water as I should have today, but still had about 2 bottles and a large glass. I'm going to Curves on Thursday for an appointment about membership. Looks interesting but not too sure if their hours of operation will work with my busy schedule as an Assistant Principal at an elementary school. Today was not as hard as I would have thought. I really didn't have the great cravings that I usually have throughout the day. Cafeteria personnel send food up on a daily basis and there is always food there to tempt one. Passed on the cheese grits sent up today... dang that was hard 'cause they are good. We are playing kickball tomorrow against another school. We practiced last week and even though athletic all my life, I struggled... not just because I'm carrying a lot of extra weight (216) but also because of my age (52). I had to get another sport's bra because of the movement when running..... a little top heavy. So far, though, I think this diet has helped with moving the digestive system, if you get my gist. Hopefully, the rest of the week will continue to run smoothly. I did Dr. Oz' Real Life program last night. I actually had some good portions on it. My chronological age is 52; my Real Age is 62. We'll see how the rest of the week goes...but until next time.... this is Mary, signing off.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - Mary

Mary: Since today was going to be the first day of this new challenge I decided last night to have a "Last Supper." Went to Outback and had a fillet. I tried to be good and got broccoli and a salad... and had Crown & Diet instead of beer..... anyway, today has been pretty good. I'm not really hungry and this is one of my times I usually have an urge to snack. Still at work at 4:30 pm. .... I'm not at my biggest weight, but close to it. I need to do something or I'll eventually keel over from a heart attack. Going to try to stop by Curves on the way home to inquire about starting there. Hopefully will walk too... but the weather is not too great. Today I ate eggs with peppers, onions, tomatoes. Decaf coffee with skim milk. Nuts & raisins. A banana. A salad for lunch (which had some berries on it) and an Activia. I still have an orange on my desk for a snack but not really hungry. I guess I'll see how the rest of the day will go.... until next time, Mary, signing off!!

Day 1 - Jean

Well, I am about to have dinner on the first day of my 28 Day Challenge. Today was no problem, but I am sure that it is because I am pumped up and ready to go and because of the fact that I prepared and planned my meals. Don't think I will have any problem staying focused, may be challenged in my planning. So, since I know that my life gets hectic during the week, I will be sure to do shopping and planning on the weekends.

Menu today:

Fiber One Cereal with strawberries, blueberries, 1/2 banana and almond milk
Apple - snack
Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup
Red Grapes - snack
Dinner - Fish, long-grain and wild rice, turnip greens

Drank water, diet coke and unsweet tea


My daughter, who is an avid runner, gave me a 2 week plan to start running. Since I hate to run, I have kept putting it off. This morning was the day to start. It was terribly hard and I now remember why I hate running :) The plan starts with running one minute and walking for two minutes and then repeating 9 more times. Started off strong and lasted a whole 10 minutes. I'll do better next time as I build my endurance.

Went though my weight lifting routine that I have been doing on and off since July. I have been using "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler. Really like the book and the routines. Every other workout is suppose to be followed by Interval training. I have not been good at doing that (see :) above).

Well, dinner is ready, my husband is cooking, need to finish in 20 minutes so that I am not eating after 7:00.

Today is the first day of the rest of my health life.