Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mary-Day 9

Well, Jean, I'm glad I can oblige you by trying to blog first. I probably beat you because I go to bed earlier. Well, we had our first day at Curves today. It seemed pretty easy... I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. It is a circuit of about 12 machines and 12 aerobic stations that you go through 2.5 times and then some stretching. I need something, I think that is like this that is easy, I know the time span needed to complete, and will be easy to plan around. Some folks I know who have tried it said they got bored on it.

Eating today was good. I had fruit and decaf for breakfast, a banana for a snack, some more of the yummy vegetable soup and more fruit for lunch, an Atkins protein bar for afternoon snack, more yummy soup for dinner and an apple with a little peanut butter for nighttime snack. Things seem to be going well. As stated, one time last week this is really helping with my digestion. I was, at one time, diagnosed with IBS and was given different meds to help move the old intestines. Well, this diet has helped tremendously with that. I told some folks at work today, I felt like singing Hallelujah this morning when everything flowed so nicely...! Kind of a shitty situation:)

We had FCAT Writes at school today, so I was very busy. I hope the kids did well. I can't believe what is expected of kids these days. I know when I was about their age and had to do a report, most of it was copied right out of the ol' World Book. I think I eventually became a decent writer but I'm amazed how well some of these kids can write. Anyway, on Thurs. (my next workout day) I have a night event at school. I'm going to attempt to leave after school, work out and go back to school. Hopefully, this will work. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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