Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jean - Day 6

Woo Hoo! Made it through a Saturday. Weekends are a challenge for me, but no problems today. Attended a training from 9 am - 1 pm and was starving when I got out, but have no fear, I planned ahead and had an apple with me to hold off the hunger until I got home and fixed lunch.

Breakfast - 2 eggs, grits and rye toast
Snack - Apple
Lunch - Leftover Vege Lasagna
Snack - Clementine
Dinner - Grilled chicken salad with apple, manderine orange and pineapple
Microwave Popcorn

Went online last night and found a website called Found some great recipes to try under the vegetarian heading. Already planning black beans and rice, and a vegetarian bean chili. This is a weight watchers recipe that I used to make. Can't find the recipe, but think it has onion, black beans, navy beans and kidney beans. Drain and rinse all the beans, combine with onion and add 1 can of rotel. Let you know next week if it taste any good or if I may have left something out :)

Walked the dog today and that is the only exercise. My knee and hip are still a little achy, but much better than yesterday. Will walk or bike ride tomorrow.

Looking forward to Monday as I plan to weigh myself and take my measurements. See if there is any change. When I first started this, I joked that my husband wasn't really doing the challenge, but that he would probably lose more weight than me. Well last week he lost 4 pounds. I'll check it out on Monday and let you know. No matter what, I still believe that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life :)

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