Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jean - Day 20

Another weekend day completed.... We would usually go out to breakfast every Saturday and most Sunday mornings. Doing more breakfast at home so I'm losing weight and saving money. Had the normal cereal with banana, blueberries, blackberries and raisins. We were at Dean's cousins for lunch, which means there is always a lot of food. I passed on the ribs, but had grilled shrimp, macaroni salad, vegetable salad and red beats and a slice of bread. Also passed on the carrot cake, homemade ice cream, and brownies. For dinner, I ate some more of my mother-in-laws macaroni salad and leftover vegeboli. Had a crockpot of blackbeans ready when I got home, but heating the leftovers was quicker than making rice.

If you've been keeping up with Mary and me, you know that I have been ending each blog with "Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life". Seems a little late in the day to say this, but I do start my day that way :) So, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

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