Monday, February 8, 2010

Mary - Day 8

Well, la-de-dah.... It wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought without meat there would be no protein and I would be very hungry all day long.... so to counteract that I did have an egg this morning with veggies. I had a banana for a snack and a small Atkins protein bar. For lunch I had a salad with nuts and dried fruit. I had a doctor's appt. today to change doctors for my new life. My main goal is to get off all meds. (currently taking blood pressure medicine and meds for cholesterol and triglycerides). I also want to lose weight. My first day at Curves begins tomorrow... I'm excited, but somehow I pulled a muscle in my gluteus maximus this weekend and struggle with some moves. I had to get up this morning with the phone ringing at 4:00 am with an alarm going off at school. I had to go up there to meet the police. There were 1/2 dozen police cars and guns drawn. There was an open window, and dust in the vents. After a long day, I came home to a big pot of vegetable soup that my partner made. It was delicious and filling. I had an apple with dinner and a peach for my after dinner snack. I really feel satisfied with just what I had. Tomorrow I'm going to try fruit for breakfast since we are not suppose to have eggs. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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