Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jean - Day 11

Mary, I think that it is wonderful that you made time to go to Curves, especially with such a buzy day. Hopefully you had more energy when you got back to school this evening. I cannot get over the nerve of the lunch ladies charging you extra for your toppings :) That's .60 that we would have invested on a $1.00 double cheese burger at BK in the past. Great investment change too!

Late night for me also. Just sitting down at 11:27 pm. Today was our 32nd wedding anniversary. So we had oatmeal with fruit for breakfast and then went to work. We left work at about 12:45 to stop by the house and head out for our 9 1/2 hour drive to NC. We picked up lunch at Subway - Vege sub with no cheese - 6". First bread I have had in a week. Everything was going well when I wanted something to eat. I know that it was because I was bored and was trying to stay awake while Dean was driving. So we had some vegetarian rice chips. They were pretty good. The serving size was 10 and I only had 5. We had a wonderful Anniversary dinner by dashboard light. Dean had chick-fil-a nuggets and carrot salad. I had an apple and an unsweet tea. To celebrate, we shared a small strawberry milk shake.

The weather was really good for the trip, no ice or snow on the roads, but a temperature of 24 degrees when we arrived. Looking forward to a few days of R&R, and good eating (which is not something we usually do when up here, I take that back, it is usually very good eating, just not completely healthy). The biggest weakness is the apple fritters from Ingles. I am convinced, after the past two weeks, that the apple fritter does not taste as good and I have been feeling, so I will be able to refrain. Not too sure about Dean....

Ready to go to bed knowing that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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