Monday, February 22, 2010

Jean - Day 22

Freaked myself out today. So worried about eating raw that I was hungry all day. Started the day with a bowl of apple, banana, blueberries and blackberries. For morning snack I had some grapes, lunch a side salad and snack an apple and nuts. So for that part of the day, except for the nuts did OK raw. For this week, I will do the best I can raw, but not worry if I eat something that is cooked. Will definately keep eating fruits and vegetables. For dinner, I had a vegetable salad - canned peas, green beans, & corn with onion, red and green pepper. There is a little sugar with vinegar and water for the dressing. I also had some grilled asparagus and some black beans. If I allow myself to eat what I want, to not be hungry, I may be able to do better. Walked 25 - 30 minutes today. Overall, I am happy with the day and would be happy with this as my new eating plan. Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

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