Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mary - Day 27

Hello, Day started out easy... but easily deteriorated... I had a banana & piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. Had a bowl of veggie soup and protein bar for lunch. I then went and worked for a few hours. When I got home we decided to go to Carabba's for dinner. We had a 5 minute wait for dinner so I ordered a Crown and diet. Then it turned into a 15-30 minute wait so I had another... but they were 2 for 1 so..... We finally got seated and I ordered shrimp and crab cakes. Normally, I would have ordered Chicken Marsiella... with pasta w/ Alfredo sauce... but I didn't... We went to Curves this morning but it was already closed so we worked out at home w/ a "Biggest Loser" video. I did have some drinks tonight, so... I'm almost feeling the end to this... and I hope I don't go overboard with eating whatever I want... 'cause tonight did not follow the rules.. Anyway, this is Mary, signing off.

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