Monday, February 15, 2010

Jean - Day 15

Day 15 - spent 10 hours in a car driving from North Carolina to Orlando. Had drive-thru for lunch and dinner. Not a total train wreck, as you would think. You never know what you might get if you ask. Who would have thought that you could get a vege sandwich at Arby's? Not me, but I did. For dinner I had another vege sandwich from Subway. Too much bread in the past 4 days, but will be back on track soon. For breakfast I had shredded wheat with banana and strawberries. Had used all the blueberries on the cobbler, that I didn't eat any of :) For snacks I had an apple and 6 riceworks - rice chips. Really enjoy going to the mountains and we saw a ton of snow. (Ton = 4-5 inches) Pretty exciting for us Florida Crackers. Looking forward to getting up and exercising in the morning before I hit the ground running (not literally) and back to work. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

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