Sunday, February 7, 2010


WOW!!! Believe it or not, I did it! Okay! I know part of my anxiety was the weekend... But... I think I made it... except for a few drinks...... Yes! I like my drinks! So, my best friend, Cindy had a party tonight to celebrate her sister-in-law's birthday. She served dinner and had a poker game. I had only a salad for dinner and actually came in second in the 16 playcr poker tournament... maybe I should eat right all the time.") :) I won $90!
For breakfast, I had the usual, eggs with veggies, low-fat cheese, and a slice of whole wheat toast. I also had an Activia and some granola for a snack. You see, what I had for dinner was just a small salad... and there was even B-day cake... that I declined on... I did have some Crown and Diet Pepsi... and probably messed up with that, but usually I drink many a beer... but I know I was good tonight not only with my diet but also by my effort to give to the birthday girl the winning hand and to walk away!!! Until next time, this is Mary, signing out!

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