Friday, February 26, 2010

Mary _ Day 26

Today was pretty good. Very busy at work... but food wise was okay. I had fruit w/ granola for breakfast, fruit and veggie soup for lunch, and whole grain rice with veggies for dinner. Snack included a banana and an orange. I wasn't too hungry today so that is good, but I've been craving some solid food... not necessarily red meat but something more wholesome. My goal is to walk on my off days of Curves, but that hasn't happened yet. Hopefully, this weather will decide that we live in Florida and sit at a constant temperature. Tried to call the doctor yesterday when I got home and got the answering service... same today, after noon. the elbow is feeling better... so we'll see. Jean... you are a very busy person... I hope you enjoy the concert. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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