Friday, February 19, 2010

Mary - Day 19

Hey All, Today was a great day for me.... I've realized that I'm not really hungry when I get up and have to eat breakfast... Don't know if I've ever felt that way in the last 25 years... Today I had a banana & a slice of whole wheat toast for breakfast. I had a meeting at 7:30 this morning, then met with my principal to go over district Principal's meeting info, then had to drive to the ESC for a committee work session. We worked on writing job descriptions to meet district, state and federal guidelines. I had a salad & peach for lunch. Worked 'til 5:00 with tutorial. By the time I got home (5;30 pm), we had 3 men delivering new kitchen appliances. Spent the rest of the night cleaning, reading manuals, and refilling the 'fridge and freezer. We had a Smart Start TV dinner. Mine had pasta, veggies and cheese... still no meat... I did have a few Crown's and diet, though, as we worked. No extra exercise... but hopefully will make up for it this weekend. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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