Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jean - Day 25

Happy Thursday! Long day today, as every Thursday I have a meeting downtown at 7:00 am. Used to be better at getting up early and getting going. Not so much now. Had a business lunch this afternoon and was able to leave work at about 5:30. Breakfast was a smoothie and coffee (which I have everyday, but don't normally put it down), lunch was a salad with lettuce, tomato, pecans, cranberries and chicken. I had them put the chicken on a separate plate so that I wouldn't have to pick it off and in the hopes that someone else would eat it. Dinner was a salad with lettuce, green onion, broccoli, cauliflower and tomato. Snacks were an apple and nuts. It is cold here again, low tonight in the 30's. I don't know how people who live up north do it. I think it is worse here because we just had two beautiful days in the 70's and then cold again. Everyone is walking around sniffleing. I think that eating right and a little exercise, along with my B-vitamins, is keeping me healthy. Looking forward to tomorrow, but today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life. Have to remember that as I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow, lunch and golf with clients in the afternoon and Dean and I are going to dinner and a Reba McIntire/George Straight concert tomorrow evening. Never a dull moment :)

This week has been okay, but don't think that I would want to make "eating raw" my permanent lifestyle. Sure that there are more item and some different recipes (didn't really even try the 3 that I found and thought I might like) but I am getting a little tired of salad. Not that I really want to sink my teeth into a juicy burger, but I wouldn't mind some blackbeans and rice or eggs or yogurt. The smoothies have been a welcomed addition. I have been thinking about what I will reintroduce next week and I am pretty sure that the elimination of red meat and possibly all meat is doable. I am curious about the next time I will eat meat and actually pay attention to the effect it may have on my body.

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