Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9 - Jean

Another day, another pound or two, I hope. But, I won't know because I don't have a new battery for the scale. I'll wait another day for that. Kind of excited as my clothes are feeling more loose.

Today was no problem as far as eating and I worked out with Gilad this morning. The weather was not great, but I wanted to be sure to do some exercise. That was a 30 minute move your body. I taped two additional workout shows from FitTV so I will have a back up if it is not good outside.

Breakfast - Red, white and blue (If you don't understand, you can read about 5 of the last 8 days - eating the same thing every morning)
Morning snack - raw vegetables
Lunch - Vegetable Soup
Afternoon snack - mixed fruit and a clementine
Dinner - Large vegetable salad and 6 shrimp

Looking forward to this weekend with excitement and apprehension. We are celebrating our 32nd Wedding Anniversary and Valentines Day by heading up to the NC mountains. I know we will have a great time, but will have to plan ahead so that we won't need fast food on the 10 hour drive up and back. Funny that when I put my mind to it, it hasn't seemed so difficult. I understand the life style change and know that is where I am going because today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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