Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jean - Day 18

Good evening.....glad it is the end of the day. Today was really tough. I was hungry all day and my sister, Ann, brought a Banana Dream Cake from TooJays to work. Not a good combo... So I ate way too many nuts today, but I didn't eat any cake :) For breakfast I had Fiber One cereal with blueberries, blackberries and almond milk. For lunch I had a vege burrito with black beans and for dinner I had red beans and rice. For snacks I had peanuts. After work Dean and I went to the grocery. This is a good thing, since we were getting down to not having healthy choices in the house. So when I get hungry tomorrow, I will have an apple or a banana to snack on. Planning to get the battery for the scale tomorrow, but I don't think I will weigh or measure myself until the end of the 28 days. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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