Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 12 - Jean

Day 12 was OK, but not the best. Being out of my normal routine and not having the right foods on hand made it a bit of a challenge. We got up early and did some work outside, involved unloading all the top soil and mulch that we had loaded in the truck on Wednesday. Dean did more of this than me, but is was still a bit of a workout. Took the dogs for a walk also, while the weather was good. Started snowing in the afternoon and through the night. I fell asleep at 8:00 and did not get up until 8:00, so I am reporting the morning of the 13th. My body is a little out of whack. I had not had a period since February 23, 2009 and was looking forward to the end of the month to be in full menopause. Well, I started a period yesterday morning, cramps and being weepy came along with it. So I guess my body will tell me when it is ready and it is not now. Can't remember the last time I slept for 12 hours, but it feel very good and refreshed this morning. Yesterday I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, strawberries for a snack, buffalo chicken pizza crust for lunch - Dean ate the insides, red beans and rice and a biscuit for dinner. The recipe for the red beans called for turkey sausage and chicken broth and I didn't use either, so once I served it I had to add a little salt and pepper to boost the flavor. Love making the bean dishes, as I always have leftovers and will be prepared for the next days lunch. Tonight we are having company for dinner, so I looked at some recipes to see what I can make that will keep me on track. Fixing a big salad and butternut squash, mashed potatoes and Dean is going to smoke some chicken and ribs. Still holding on tight and knowing that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.....

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