Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - Jean

Well, I am about to have dinner on the first day of my 28 Day Challenge. Today was no problem, but I am sure that it is because I am pumped up and ready to go and because of the fact that I prepared and planned my meals. Don't think I will have any problem staying focused, may be challenged in my planning. So, since I know that my life gets hectic during the week, I will be sure to do shopping and planning on the weekends.

Menu today:

Fiber One Cereal with strawberries, blueberries, 1/2 banana and almond milk
Apple - snack
Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup
Red Grapes - snack
Dinner - Fish, long-grain and wild rice, turnip greens

Drank water, diet coke and unsweet tea


My daughter, who is an avid runner, gave me a 2 week plan to start running. Since I hate to run, I have kept putting it off. This morning was the day to start. It was terribly hard and I now remember why I hate running :) The plan starts with running one minute and walking for two minutes and then repeating 9 more times. Started off strong and lasted a whole 10 minutes. I'll do better next time as I build my endurance.

Went though my weight lifting routine that I have been doing on and off since July. I have been using "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler. Really like the book and the routines. Every other workout is suppose to be followed by Interval training. I have not been good at doing that (see :) above).

Well, dinner is ready, my husband is cooking, need to finish in 20 minutes so that I am not eating after 7:00.

Today is the first day of the rest of my health life.

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