Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jean - Day 4

Thursday....Mary, where are you? You usually beat me to the blog! Well a few revelations today...I am really feeling good and I noticed that my rings keep twisting around my fingers...that means that my fingers are not swelling. I don't know why, but I like. In the past I would feel like the Michelin Man, being bloated and my clothes feeling tight. Today my pants actually felt loose later in the day. I feel better overall.

Although it is only day 4 and I have another 24 days to go, I am confident that I can stick with this and succeed.

Today I dined on....

Breakfast - You'll never guess....Fiber One Cereal with banana, strawberries and blueberries with Almond Milk. My husband has dubbed it the red, white and blue breakfast!
Morning Snack - Red Grapes
Lunch - Ministrone soup and garden salad (Olive Garden Variety)
Afternoon Snack - Apple
Dinner - Roasted chicken breast, spinach, turnip greens, long grain and wild rice, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Need to look at some recipes this weekend and prepare for next week, eliminating meat and dairy. I'll let you know what magic I can work with beans :)

Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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