Friday, February 19, 2010

Jean - Day 19

TGIF.... Mary, I bet you are more excited than me. Did your appliances arrive today? Proud of you doing such a great job and being dedicated to the workouts. Hopefully the diet and exercise will help you deal with the stress. Thank you for doing this with me, it has been fun and you keep me motivated :)

Looking forward to a busy weekend and preparing to eat right. Almost everything we do revolves around food and I love to eat. Although I have felt very good about the past 19 days and I am really proud of the fact that I have been able to somewhat stick to it. The hardest part for me has been the preplanning and I feel that I am getting better and better everyday. Today I started with the normal cereal, banana, blueberries and blackberries with almond milk. For lunch I had a tuna sub with lettuce, onion and tomato and for dinner I had half of a vegeboli. Ate out way too much this week and will eat in more next week. Having a few concerns about the all raw week. The challenge, as I read it on Dr. Oz's website, is not very detailed. Not sure if I should have been eating bread or cereal. Next week is pretty clear - nothing cooked. Tonight I prepared vegetables (onion, tomato, peppers) for black beans and rice for Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow we are heading to St. Pete to visit Dean's Uncle and his family. Harold, the uncle is in his early '90's and is a wonderful example of eating and living right. Prepared a vegetable salad to be sure the I have something healthy to eat. On Sunday we are meeting Dean's cousin and his family out at Disney for dinner. They are visiting from PA. Glad that they should have a beautiful weekend while here. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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