Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jean - Day 17

Dang, it is cold! Can't get warm for the past two days. Dean said it is because I am losing my insulation. Isn't he so sweet? I do really feel good. My skin and my hair seem to be more healthy and I am noticing other little changes...I can cross my legs better and my ham hock thighs are getting smaller. Worked out with the weights yesterday morning and I could barely walk this morning, my thighs are really sore. I look like an old lady when I stand up, but like a spring chicken once I get going. Had oatmeal for breakfast, a tuna sandwich for lunch, went to church at noon for Ash Wednesday, and had shrimp, broccoli and tomatoes for dinner. Being Catholic, we always worked around no meat on Ash Wednesday and on Friday during lent. Used to be a bit of a chore, but don't every need to worry about it this year.

Need to do additional research on the eating raw. Feeling proud of my progress thus far and need to get to the grocery to make sure we have the proper food on hand. I wish the challenge was a little more detailed and I will just keep striving to eating more raw. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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