Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mary - Day 25

Today was challenging, but not too bad. I had a training off campus. For breakfast I had fruit with granola. This training is something we go to with 4 other school periodically throughout the year. Each time one school brings snacks. The morning snacks were bagels, doughnuts and fruit. I can't tell you how much I wanted a doughnut or even a bagel. But I had a few pieces of fruit during a break. For lunch we went to Panera's. I had veggie soup and a salad. I must admit, I ate the bread that comes with it. I knew I should have told them to keep the bread.... but I didn't and I ate it. We went to Curves earlier today, but waited to eat afterwards. We had the home made veggie soup. Still good, particularly on days like today. Jean.... congratulations on the battery:0... Am I going to see you this weekend? I need to go to Curves on Saturday because they close at noon, but maybe after that or on Sunday morning to weigh and measure? Let me know. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.


  1. Mary, Let's shoot for Sunday, if that will work for you. We usually go to 8:00 mass and should be home after that. Let me know if you want me to come to your house.

  2. I was just looking at the photo of the family when we were young and mom looks just like Reenie! See if you see it the same way.
