Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mary-Day 13

Well, I didn't get to blog yesterday. I got home late from the baby shower... which turned in to a poker tournament. We had a good time. I didn't eat any wings or cake... I had some apples and veggies. But I also had a few cocktails... which of course are not on the challenge....I got up and went to Curves to do my work out. Then we went shopping for a new fence and a new dishwasher. Got home in time to shower and go the the baby shower. For breakfast I had a piece of whole wheat toast and for lunch I had a bean burrito with lettuce, tomato, and onions. I'm finding it not too hard to eat right... I just have to set my mind to it and stay focused regardless... Yes, that custom made cake looked good and cake is one of my favorites, but is it really worth it...I think not. Until next time... this is Mary, signing off.

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