Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jean - Day 10

Today was another good day. Some may wonder if it can be true that everyday is so good, or what is so good about eating right? Well, for most of my adult life I have joked about starting my diet on Monday, EVERY MONDAY... and by Wednesday, Thursday or the weekend I would give it up and think what the heck. So, being on this program for 10 days and really not having any cravings or temptations is an accomplishment.

Had the normal red, white and blue breakfast.
Morning snack - Apple
Met a client at Boston's Seafood for lunch and had shrimp, rice and squash. (Usually I would get the onion rings, because they are the best, and I would justify that I am eating a vegetable.
For dinner we are having leftover 3 bean chili.

I took a 20 minute walk with the dogs and we are loading 20 bags of mulch and a bunch of pavers into the truck tonight for the trip to NC tomorrow. That will be a workout in itself. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

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