Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mary - Day 20

Only 8 more days to go... and next week is suppose to be all raw food. We'll see how it goes. Today I had a piece of whole wheat toast and cantaloupe for breakfast. I made the 3-bean chili Jean mentioned earlier. It was delicious. I had that for lunch. I had p.nut butter bread for a snack and the 3 bean chili and peach for dinner. I went to Curves this morning. I was really tired when trying to work out. It difficult too with the pain in my elbow... I hate not having my body work. I can't wait until it feels good again. I might have to break down and go to the doctor. I re-injured it last night when taking the garbage out.

Today I cut down 2 cabinet doors that go over the 'fridge because they came down too low to the 'fridge. Jimmy spent the day with us, so that kept us busy. Can't wait to get a good night sleep tonight. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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