Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5 - Mary

Today was a little weird for me. I was a little agitated all day, and don't know why. Work is a little stressful, w/ FCAT Writing coming up next week or maybe my body is adjusting to good stuff or I'm a little anxious about next week (losing dairy and all meat). Today for breakfast I had eggs w/green peppers, turkey, low fat cheese; a slice of whole wheat toast and 1/2 a peach. Snack was the other 1/2 of the peach. For lunch I had a salad w/ turkey, carrots, cukes, tomato. I also had 1/2 of an orange and some pear slices (in water). Afternoon snack was a small hand full of granola. For dinner.... and Friday is always pizza night, I had a whole wheat crust with sauce and low-fat cheese, while everyone else ate homemade pepperoni pizza. It was still good and I really didn't care, it's just the pre-planning and making a conscious effort to do what I should do rather than just eat whatever is there or whatever is easy. I'm not too sure I am following the raw-food diet the way I am suppose to but I think if the goal is a lifelong change in my thoughts about what I am putting in my mouth & what I am actually putting in my mouth, this week has been pretty good compared to what I would have otherwise eaten if not focusing on this. Starting Curves next Tue. (that is the first date she had available to "train" us). Looking forward to a set schedule to get the body moving. Since it is only 3 days a week, I am contemplating what physical activity I will be doing the off days. I'm not too sure 3 days a week if enough... and I think a little more cardio is necessary.... Anyway, until next time.... this is Mary signing out:)

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