Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jean - Day 24

Hey Mary, the water is a great idea. I drink all day long, but have been drinking alot of caffeine-free iced tea. Will work harder on the water. Not feeling as bloated today.

For breakfast I had some grapefruit and a fruit smoothie with 1/2 banana, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. It was really good and very filling. For lunch I had a salad with pecans and cranberries. Snacks were an apple and some mixed nuts. Dean was playing racquet ball and getting home late so I lifted weights. It really felt good and I know I won't be able to walk in the morning.... too many squats :) We had a tossed salad for dinner with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and cukes and split a fruit smoothie. Bad thing is that we ate too late tonight. Been pretty good about not eating after 7:00 but it was about 7:30 tonight.

The Scale Battery saga is over....I finally got the first battery returned and came home with the correct one yesterday. I was going to wait until Monday to weigh myself and take my measurements, but the suspense was too on the scale this morning and .....well you'll have to wait until Monday, so I can give you all of the comparisons..... I was smiling all day though because today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life!

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