Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 22 - Mary

Had a pretty good day. Had fruit with granola sprinkled on it for breakfast. Had a banana and a few almonds for snack. Had a few bites of my salad for lunch... had to run somewhere at work and never got back to it... so I'll have it tomorrow. Had a salad for dinner. Not really hungry. Eating the way I did this weekend (not too much fresh veggies or fruit) I felt a little bloated and clogged up. However, after I ate my fruit this morning, it did the trick. Not only did I lose a lot of the roughage, I feel full (satisfied not bloated) & I'm not too hungry either. Elbow still bothering me.... trying a few more home remedies before making a doctor appointment... as mom always said, "the reason they call it a practice is they are all still practicing" :) I just know they will say, "stop using it" or "you need surgery." Can't do either of those right now.... so, ice, compression, elevation and a 'tennis elbow' brace. Still going to Curves tomorrow. I tried not doing the one machine on Saturday that I thought was causing the pain, but it was even worse the next day... so I'm going to have to stop all the arm machines until the pain is gone. I can do other exercises in place of it. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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