Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mary - Day 14

Happy Valentine's Day. Today was a slow day, since we got home so late last night. I had a piece of toast, whole grain rice, and pears for breakfast. I had some green beans w/ almonds for lunch. for dinner I had a low-fat frozen pizza. Again, not the best of food to eat, but we're out of everything. I'll get to the store tomorrow since I'm off for President's Day. I can't wait to try the bean chili and to have some more of the vegetable soup. I did take a nap today, which was nice. I'm struggling with a pain in my left elbow. I think it's from one of the machines at Curves. I did have tennis elbow before so I'm not sure if it flared up from working out. I DON'T want anything to stand in my way of continuing the path I am on. I have a band that I got from last time so I'm wearing it to see if it will help. I'm going to get my blood work done tomorrow and I know with the great diet I've been on the numbers should look pretty good. I'll let you know. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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