Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jean - Day 21

Did great today, under the circumstances.... Started the day with church with Dean and Amy and then went out to breakfast - had a bowl of oatmeal and 1/2 a slice of rye toast. Went to work and had a few peanuts for a snack. Had lunch at home at about 3:00, black beans. Met Dean's cousin and his family for dinner out at the Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club resort at Disney. Had a wonderful time and got a little concerned when I saw that it was a buffet. Glad that I could still stay on track (not perfect) with all of that food around. I had a large salad, a piece of baked fish, cabbage and bok choy, macaroni and cheese (not the best) and roll. Hate going to buffets because I would always feel like I had to eat a lot to get my moneys worth. Did better than usual and really don't even miss the desserts. I think the less sugar you have, the less you crave it.

Going to make a better effort to walk at least 30 minutes every day. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

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