Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jean - Day 3

Now, this is where it starts getting a little (and I mean just a little) difficult. The middle of the week and there is way too much going on. My husband and I own our own business and I think that some times the stress of the business is one of my downfalls. I know that I am a stress eater, but I am working on that. Planning ahead and being focused about what I am going to choose to put in my mouth makes a big difference. Although hectic, I love the work that I do and the people I work with (4 of my team mates are family). We work very hard and have been very blessed. How does that saying go....the harder I work, the luckier I am, that's me.

Today I ate:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, strawberries, blueberries, 1/2 banana

Morning Snack - Clementine

Lunch - Homemade vegetable soup, tomatoes and cucumber, slice of leftover pork roast

Afternoon Snack - Banana

Dinner - Met some friends and tried a new Turkish restaurant in Dr. Phillips. The food and the service were excellent. I ordered the shrimp shish kabob, with bulgar and a green salad. Also had a piece of the flat bread.

Haven't been lishing my drinks, but since Mary does, thought that maybe I should...

2 cups of coffee each morning, water, unsweet tea for lunch and dinner and usually a diet coke in the afternoon.

Just a short walk this evening. Too tired to get up this morning.
Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life....

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