Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 - Jean

Can't believe that it is 11:27 pm and I am still awake and writing on this blog. I am usually ready for bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10:00. Went to a movie with my mother in law tonight and because of time constraints, had dinner at McDonalds drive thru. Notice that I have more energy. Don't know if it is the healthy eating or the exercise. Walked for 30 minutes this morning.

Tried to be somewhat healthy. Just like yesterday, I have felt full all day long. Almost a chore to eat an afternoon snack.

Breakfast: Fiber One cereal with blueberries, banana and almond milk. Also had 3 prunes.

No morning snack

Lunch: Tuna on a bed of lettuce with apple, sunflower seeds and raisins. Unsweet iced tea

Afternoon snack: Red Grapes

Dinner: Grilled chicken snack wraps (2) - 1/2 of a 1/2 small popcorn

One of the reasons I am excited to get healthy is the fear of the govenment taking control of our health care. Recently did a job for a government agency, still trying to get paid after 60 days, and the excuse I am getting is that "they are the government and they are just slow". So I don't want to have to ever put my health at the mercy of the same institution that can't process an invoice in less than 30 days. So, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life......

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