Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jean - Day 7

Super Bowl Sunday! Well I think there is actually way too much hype for a football game. I enjoy watching football, and think it would be great if people just got half as exited about who their local government officials were. Off the soapbox....Today went really well. Went to church last night, so for the first time in a few weeks we could get up and not have anywhere we had to go. Had time for a new recipe for breakfast and prepared raw vegetables and fruits for the week. Our life is very busy and we have many friends and family. Sometimes I think we need a break, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel very blessed.

For breakfast I made a new recipe. Protien banana pancakes. Consisted of 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup of oats, 2 tablespoons of Whey protien, and 2 tablespoons of bisquik (It called for whole wheat pancake mix, but I didn't have it), and 1/2 sliced banana. Mix and cook as you would regular pancakes. We used sugar free maple syrup. They were really good and very filling.

Snack - Mixed Nuts
Lunch - Vegetable soup
Snack - blueberries, strawberries and 1/2 banana and one pretzel
Dinner - Salad with grilled shrimp, dried cherries, manderine orange, and pineapple

Need to get back into lifting weights. Having a hard time getting everything into the day, exercise, meal prep, work, meditation and prayer. But I feel better and have more energy, so I'll work at making it all fit. Constant change is a reminder that today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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