Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - Mary

Mary: Since today was going to be the first day of this new challenge I decided last night to have a "Last Supper." Went to Outback and had a fillet. I tried to be good and got broccoli and a salad... and had Crown & Diet instead of beer..... anyway, today has been pretty good. I'm not really hungry and this is one of my times I usually have an urge to snack. Still at work at 4:30 pm. .... I'm not at my biggest weight, but close to it. I need to do something or I'll eventually keel over from a heart attack. Going to try to stop by Curves on the way home to inquire about starting there. Hopefully will walk too... but the weather is not too great. Today I ate eggs with peppers, onions, tomatoes. Decaf coffee with skim milk. Nuts & raisins. A banana. A salad for lunch (which had some berries on it) and an Activia. I still have an orange on my desk for a snack but not really hungry. I guess I'll see how the rest of the day will go.... until next time, Mary, signing off!!

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