Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mary - Day 24

Jean, I just read your blog from yesterday about being bloated. It's amazing how the body works. I know I mentioned being bloated last week sometime. Not sure if it was when I wasn't compliant or from lack of water. Are you getting enough water? I've been pounding the water and feel great. I can definitely tell in my clothes and so do others. Today I had a peach, banana, and a few grapes with granola for breakfast. A banana and protein bar for snack. For lunch I had a salad. For dinner I had brown rice with veggies (rice not appropriate for this week but not sure if the veggies would have sufficed so I thought I'd go with something from another week rather than cheat all together). I really jacked up my arm today. Going to call the doctor tomorrow. I'm really disappointed that I couldn't get through it without medical intervention. I got a call from my doctor today. All my blood work is great... She's very happy. Continuing to work towards getting off all meds and curious to see how many inches I have lost... as well as the lbs. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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