Monday, February 8, 2010

Jean - Day 8

I really enjoy it when Mary does her blog first. I like to hear what she says and her outlook on the entire process. I am so glad that she agreed to do this with me. Knowing that I have someone else relying on me is much better for me. What is also helping is the way that my clothes are fitting and the way I feel.

Very disappointed this morning when I went to weigh myself and the battery in the scale was dead. Gives me a few more days before I check for any results. Didn't get the battery today, but Dean said he will get it for me tomorrow. So, Wednesday will be the day. Need to get motivated with the exercise. I enjoy it when I do it, but getting out of bed and 5:00 isn't what it used to be. Tomorrow I WILL do some sort of exercise.

Breakfast - Fibre One Cereal (Good think Publix has it buy one, get one free alot) with, you guessed it, strawberries, blueberries and bananas.

Was hungry early in the day, snacked on a fruit cup and some peanuts

Lunch.....WE WENT TO SONNY'S! I think all the talk about it this past weekend, really put Dean in the mood for BBQ. I just had one trip to the salad bar.

Afternoon snack - raw vegetables and peanuts

Dinner - Three Bean Chili. I wrote about this the other day and the recipe worked. 1 can of each - Black Beans, Kidney Beans and Pinto Beans, rinsed. Heat with some onion and 2 cans of rotel tomatoes and chiles. Really liked it.

Walked the dog tonight, so I had a short bit of exercise. I know how important the exercise is and will work harder to fit it in, because, today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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