Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jean - Day 26

Well, as you can see, yesterday was crazy and I didn't even get on the computer. Started with a breakfast meeting. Ordered oatmeal with cranberries and banana. Went to the office for a few hours and then left to meet clients for an 11:30 tee time. Was prepared and took fruit with me to the course. So my lunch consisted of an apple and some grapes. We were golfing for drinks, so I opted for diet coke at the beginning but at the end of the day had 2 beers with the guys :) Rushed home to meet with Dean, get something for dinner and head to the concert. Decided to go to a quick mexican - Tijuana Flats. Ordered a salad with black beans. Ate a few tortilla chips also. I would said that through the entire 26 days so far, this was my most challenging day, but still not too bad. I can live with it and I'm back on track this morning. Today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.

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