Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mary - Day 11

Late night tonight. I had to stay at school late tonight for a 1st grade Parents to Kids night. The entire 1st grade class (about 160 kids) put on the "Real Story about the 3 Little Pigs." It was a reader's theatre where each class take turns choral reading different parts of the story. It was real cute. Parents then go back to the classroom to learn how to help make better readers out of their children. Great strategies. Anyway, I went to Curves in between school and the performance.

For breakfast I had fruit with granola sprinkled over it. Lunch was a left over salad that I had in the 'frige since Monday and a peach. For dinner I had a bean burrito with no cheese, no sour cream, only beans, lettuce, tomato, and onions. I was a little miffed 'cause I had to pay 30 cents for each of the lettuce and the tomato. I also had broccoli and cauliflower. For snacks I had some nuts w/ raisins, a banana, and an apple. I think this was a pretty good week (work week that is). Curious how the weekend will go. I think it's pretty easy unless I have a party or an event to go to. This weekend we have a baby shower. Hopefully, there will be "good" food to eat... I already know they are having chicken wings and cake... uh oh:) I know I can do it without the sugar or fat. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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