Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mary - Day 21

Today was a challenge. We stayed home today and tried to get some work done around the house, however, with my elbow the way it is I couldn't do much. I vacuumed using my good are and cleaned the laundry room. Sheila did all of the laundry... Don't like not having use of my arm. Gives some perspective on those who have handicapping conditions that limit what they are able to do. For breakfast I had wholewheat toast and some bean chili. For lunch I had p. nut butter on wholewheat toast and an apple. For dinner I had some frozen cheese pizza. NOT GOOD. Laying around and not having food available did me in. I know I will do well this week because I'm prepared for it. I feel bad about cheating w/ the pizza because I've done so well up to now. But I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Until a healthier next time, this is Mary, signing off.

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